September 2009
I haven't worn this at all since I made it, and it's definitely in the frog pile, although it's hard to put a finger on why, exactly.

First there's the yarn. Calmer is tremendously popular, and I don't like to be controversial, but I hate it. It's very soft, but it's also very springy and possibly as a result of this, it just looks messy. I'd never really noticed my knitting looking all inconsistent, loose and uneven before, but it was when I used Calmer, even for something as simple as 1x1 rib.

Then there's the pattern. The neckline just hung off my shoulders, and so I had to put a series of pleats into it to make it lie correctly. I ran out of yarn before the end (I needed 5 skeins even though it called for 4) and when I topped up my supply, the difference between dye-lots really showed up.
It's also a very unfair thing to say because it should have been obvious if I'd thought about it, but that much 1x1 ribbing is time-consuming and dull as heck.
I don't like to end on a downer, so... erm... look at what a lovely day we had to take photographs of this project...
Pattern: Tempting II by Jenna Adorno for Knitty Winter 2005
Yarn: Rowan Calmer
Amount: 5 skeins
Colourway: 479
Needles: 5.00mm
Size: 36"
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